【キーワード (Keywords)】
医用工学 (Biomedical Engineering):
ヒドロゲル (Hydrogel)、バイオマテリアル (Biomaterials)、ドラッグデリバリーシステム(DDS)、毛細血管網 (Blood capillary network)、再生医療 (Regenerative medicine)
界面プロセス工学 (Interfacial Process Engineering):
エマルション (Emulsion)、カプセル (Capsules)、界面化学 (Interfacial Science)、Hansen溶解度パラメーター (Hansen Solubility Parameter)、機械学習 (Machine Learning)、ベイズ最適化 (Bayesian Optimization)
医用工学 (Biomedical Engineering)
(Chitosan hydrogel)

Chitosan is a functional natural polymer with high hemostatic, antibacterial, and wound-healing promoting effects. We developed chitosan hydrogel with high biological safety. In fact, human clinical trials have demonstrated that the hydrogel is more effective in promoting wound healing than other wound dressings on the market. The pharmaceutical application in Japan is in progress.
(Hydrophobically-modified polymer hydrogel)

Hydrogels cross-linked with toxic chemicals are not suitable for medical applications due to the residual chemicals in the hydrogels. We found hydrophobically-modified polymers form hydrogels without using toxic chemicals. The cross-linking points of the polymers would be formed by hydrophobic interaction between hydrophobic groups incorporated into the polymers.
(Creation of blood capillary network)

The goal of regenerative medicine is to create tissues and organs in vitro. To achieve this goal, a technology that can reproduce the dense capillary network of a human body is necessary. We developed a technology that can fabricate a dense capillary network in a shorter time than conventional methods by using "cotton candy"-like microfibers as a template for the capillary network.
界面プロセス工学 (Interfacial Process Engineering)
(Preparation of capsules in gas phase)

Encapsulating ingredients in capsules provides a number of advantages, including protection of the ingredients from external environment. Generally, capsules are prepared in the liquid phase through emulsion. We developed a unique method to prepare capsules in the gas phase using liquid repellent materils (e.g. superamphiphobic plates, powder and liquid marbles). This method can encapsulate ingredients without loss. Moreover, core-shell capsules with spherical and uniform wall thickness can be continuously produced.
(Efficient optimization of capsule and emulsion preparation conditions using Bayesian optimization)

Optimization of various parameters (e.g., surfactant concentration) is necessary to prepare capsules and emulsions with the desired physical properties. When there are huge number of parameters, optimization is extremely difficult and time-consuming. We have used Bayesian optimization (one of machine learning methods) for efficient optimization of capsule and emulsion preparation conditions. In fact, the number of experiments required for optimization could be reduced to 1/5 by applying Bayesian optimization, compared with convential methods.